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Axial Psychiatric Services


Schizophrenia services offered in Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, Rockwall, TX

If you hear voices or experience delusions or hallucinations, these symptoms could indicate schizophrenia or another mental health condition. At Axial Psychiatric Services in Rockwall, Texas, Ankit Parmar, MD, and the team diagnose and recommend treatments for schizophrenia to help you or a loved one achieve the best quality of life possible. Call the Axial Psychiatric Services office or use the online booking feature today.

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder that affects your ability to interpret normal things, situations, and behaviors. It can cause you to have delusions, hallucinations, or disordered thinking that impairs your ability to function well in society. Treatment can reduce worrisome, debilitating schizophrenia symptoms.

What are the symptoms of schizophrenia?

The common schizophrenia symptoms include:

  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations
  • Disordered thinking and speech
  • Reduced ability to function during daily tasks
  • Disorganized motor behavior 
  • Lack of emotion or facial expressions
  • Loss of interest in everyday activities
  • Social isolation or withdrawal
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Depression 
  • Anxiety
  • Thoughts of suicide

Schizophrenia can feel crippling, impairing day-to-day tasks and hindering your ability to function well in everyday situations. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may need lifelong schizophrenia treatment. To achieve the best outcome, see your Axial Psychiatric Services provider at the first sign of a mental health disorder.

When left untreated, schizophrenia can diminish your ability to function well in social relationships, keep a job, or stay healthy. It might cause you to abuse drugs or alcohol, be victimized, or struggle financially.

Who is at risk of schizophrenia?

Your risk of developing schizophrenia may increase because of:

  • Problems during pregnancy
  • Malnutrition or toxin exposure during pregnancy
  • Family history of schizophrenia
  • Taking mind-altering drugs

However, the exact cause of schizophrenia isn’t clear, and there’s no known way to prevent it. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits is likely the best way to reduce your risk. 

How is schizophrenia diagnosed?

Your Axial Psychiatric Services provider can diagnose schizophrenia after completing a physical exam, reviewing your medical history, and completing a psychiatric evaluation. 

During the evaluation, they ask you or a loved one a series of questions about thoughts, emotions, and behavior patterns. They may also order genetic tests to find the best medications for your genetic makeup.

What are the treatments for schizophrenia?

The most common treatments for schizophrenia include taking medications and undergoing psychotherapy (talk therapy), which teaches you ways to overcome troublesome symptoms and be a productive member of society. You might participate in social skills training, individual therapy, family therapy, or vocational rehabilitation with supported employment. 

Your Axial Psychiatric Services provider helps you manage psychiatric medicines to minimize crippling symptoms and reduce abnormal behavior patterns. They follow up with you to ensure your treatment is effective.

To find out if you or a loved one has schizophrenia or to get treated for this condition, call the Axial Psychiatric Services office or use the online booking feature today.

Children and Adolescents
Children and Juvenile Cases
Juvenal criminal responsibility evaluation
Violence risk assessment
Adult Civil Cases
Fitness for Duty
Medical/ Psychiatric Malpractice
Independent medical examination
Happy Group of people
Adult Criminal Cases
Competency to stand trial evaluation
Sanity Evaluation (For NGRI Plea)
Sex-offender Evaluation
Forensic Evaluation
Dr. Parmar has fellowship training in Forensic Psychiatry and takes selected private cases on both civil (child custody, parental rights, adoption) and criminal (Evaluation of sanity, competency assessment, fitness to proceed, judicial waiver certification, criminal responsibility, abuse, witness reliability) issues pertaining to children, adolescent, and adults. Please call or email us to get more information on this.